Link File on WordPress – If you want to provide access to a file such as a PDF from a blog post, the process is quick and easy. This can be useful for uploading forms or instructions, or anything you want to share without making it into its own post.

Here’s your quick and easy guide on how to link to a file in WordPress

  1. Add the file to your media library. It’s exactly the same as uploading an image.
    It can also be added directly to the media library by going to Media > Add New in the left menu.
  2. Find the image under Media and go to Edit.
    Link File on WordPress
  3. Then copy the File URL from the Save panel.Link File on WordPress -1Note: If the admin is arranged into 1 column, the Save panel will be at the bottom rather than on the right.
  4. Once the File URL is copied, you can use it anywhere, such as in emails, to link directly to the file. It can also be used within wordpress like any other link.

How to Add a youtube video on WordPress. Find out more.

Written by Raeleen  |  3 April 2020

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