If you have a WordPress site that supports comments on posts, there may be some situations where you don’t want to have to approve each and every comment manually. In this article, we’ll show you how to disable moderation so comments are automatically published.

Generally speaking, most people who have comments enabled on their website WILL want moderation turned on. This gives your moderation team the chance to filter out spam and any less savoury comments that someone may try to post. In some circumstances however, you may be able to trust your users to do the right thing and publish comments immediately to the public. Such scenarios may include:

  • You require members to log in before posting comments and you’re confident they won’t start doing anything dodgy.
  • You’re using WordPress as a workplace resource and it is a private site (meaning users need to login before that can see the website).

Turning off moderation is super simple stuff.

Turning off comment moderation in WordPress

Login to your WordPress site and go to Settings → Discussion

Find the section titled “Before a comment appears” and uncheck the two boxes “Comment must be manually approved” and “Comment author must have a previously approved comment”.


Hit “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page and you’re done.

Remember that as soon as you change these settings, any new user comments will be automatically published and for all to see.

Written by Archie  |  3 April 2020

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