We built on previous success to create an interactive tool that can even make learning history fun.

Getting the gang back together again
Following on from the success of the myWorld Atlas, the myWorld History Atlas was created to provide students with an interactive tool for learning about history for the Australian Curriculum.
We changed the visual design to accommodate the shift in focus to a history product, and we added an interactive timeline. Behind the scenes many things were changed with structural changes being made so that both Atlas products could run from the same code framework, administration console and content engine.
With GIS capability and 115 historical studies defined by an interactive timeline, myWorld History Atlas provides an online environment for users to explore, test their history skills, gain instant feedback, and create case studies with a bank of interactive video questions.
That’s what she said
Mettro for me are perhaps the best creative problem solving agency I have worked with. With technical problems that is what you need – 1 per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration. Whatever the problem is, they will solve it.
Other agencies I have worked with, if it gets too hard they will say ‘we will have it done but we need X from you’. With Mettro, they really are very good at finding solutions to difficult problems, that’s absolute gold for our company.
Jill McGuire, Director, Digital Product Development