Our long-term partnership allows us to anticipate Greater Springfield’s digital needs as they grow.
The best thing about long-term partnerships is that you get to know each other so well, you intuitively know what each other needs. That’s how we are with Greater Springfield. It all started with a website in 2011. Not just a website, an innovative piece of work that won a Web Award and made the finals of the AIMIA Awards.
Sure, we created a cool website that delivered a world-class, award-winning city to its throngs of eager customers, all on a tight budget. But we’ve done a lot more than that.
You complete me
Since the success of that initial website, we’ve developed a Jerry Maguire-esque relationship with Greater Springfield. Not the bit where they get married before they’re ready and make each other miserable – let’s cut to the end where we burst into a room full of angry women and give a rousing speech. “You had me at hello.” Yeah, that bit.
We are honestly passionate about the Greater Springfield product. We spend time on the ground, and are continually working with the team to understand their business objectives. When we were briefed that the marketing focus was shifting towards enticing businesses to move to the region, we knew what needed to be done.
Selling the sizzle of this growth area – that will provide an employment base for 30,000 workers within an area containing in excess of 1.4 million m2 of office, retail, educational, health and technology facilities – has been our key goal.

Our whole is greater than the sum of our parts
Like proactive marketing ninjas, we presented a concept that would see businesses lining up at the Greater Springfield gate. And because we know the brand so well, Greater Springfield trusted us to deliver exactly what they needed. The result? An even better website than before. We redesigned the interface with a sleek new look and feel, in line with their corporate vibe. And we were able to capture the fantastic progress that has been made at Greater Springfield since we started working together, with stunning imagery of their new office buildings and residential areas.
We were determined not to reinvent the wheel. The current site offered an enormous content resource we could use, so we concentrated on updating templates, using responsive techniques for mobile compatibility and reorganising content to better suit the business focus.

Targeting a new audience
Sure, the great base level functionality of the site is still the same, but now we’re targeting a new audience – and we’ve got web banner ads taking potential customers to tailored landing pages designed to convert warm leads into contacts, and then into sales.
We’ve harnessed the immense marketing power of an innovative social hub on the Greater Springfield site. Site users see social media updates both by Greater Springfield and its residents and visitors, which show news stories, current events, and activities in the area. This has proven to engage users and keep them on the site, as well as creating tailored and powerful calls to action for potential customers.
The image-heavy campaign page design for Robelle Domain and Park Avenue Apartments is a series of stunning image panels which showcases the beauty and functionality of the area.
Greater Springfield is able to customise their hub with promotions and posts, adapt their feed from several hubs, set their posts to recur regularly to increase visibility, and pin posts to the top of the page for maximum visibility.
That’s what she said
Mettro built a site for us originally that really helped us “sell the sizzle” of our award-winning city to local and international visitors. Then, when our focus turned to trying to attract businesses to the city, Mettro were right there with a great strategy to deliver what we needed. The fact that we’d been working together for years made the work seem really effortless. We trusted Mettro to do a great job and they did.
Working with Mettro is really easy. They partner with us at all stages of our projects, and they’re committed to achieving our go lives on time and on budget. We have achieved great results on our projects with Mettro. They have consistently provided us with fantastic customer service and excellent value for our marketing spend.
Nadine Pobar, Acting General Manager, Marketing
Springfield Land Corporation